Mood and Emotion : eISSN 2671-4655 / pISSN 1738-0960
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Shim SH, Md , Phd , Bahk WM, Md , Phd , Yoon BH, Md , Phd , Jon DI, Md , Phd , Seo JS, Md , Phd , Kim W, Md , Phd , Lee JG, Md , Phd , Woo YS, Md , Phd , Jeong JH, Md , Phd , Kim MD, Md , Phd , Sohn I, Md , Phd , Song HR, Md , Phd , , Min KJ, Md , Phd .  Korean Medication Algorithm for Bipolar Disorder 2018 : Children and Adolescent.  Mood Emot 2018;16:109-122.  
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